18 August 2014

Reading Challenges

Every term our teacher gives us some reading challenges. Some terms the reading challenges are hard and some times easy...

Some of the challenges you have to do and some you don't. This term, for Term 3, the challenges are...

-Read 10 books. (Not Optional.)
-Read 20 books. (Optional.)
-Read a book that you randomly.
-Read a book that you randomly pick off the shelf without looking. (Optional.)
-Read 3 books from a series. (Optional.)
-Read a classical book. (Optional.)
-Read a book set in space. (Optional.)
-Read a book recommended by a family member. (Optional.)

I have done a few of these such as the book set in space, and a few others. I don't think that I will finish all of these but I will try to finish these goals. I am not going so well with my reading and can't read fast enough. I have read four books and I need to read another one by the end of this week, because you have to read a book every week. I still don't get how people read 30 books in four weeks. I guess that they have nothing else to do in their life.

Thanks for reading my blog post. Remember to comment below. Goodbye blog readers.

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