31 August 2014


Hello blog readers today I am writing my pre-production post. First of we are not ready and its getting closer...

I mean half of the acts aren't fully perfected and we haven't really practiced with costumes, and some don't have costumes finished. My role in the production is props, one of the most hardest. I mean we have to take props in and out in each scene. Josh is the prop captain, and he will be wearing a headset on the night to tell the sounds guy and other guys when to pull the curtain open.  

What production should be like...
The dance I will be dancing in is the Cantina dance. The Cantina dance is in the first scene and I think has the most dancers in one dance in it. The song for the Cantina dance is the original Star Wars soundtrack. We haven't a full dress rehearsal for Cantina because people haven't finished their costumes. I have finished my costume but I might modify it so when I dance my wings aren't in a slant.
I think if we are going to make this a good production, we are going work hard and get a move on with the dances and songs.

Dancing people.

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