10 August 2014


This week for my blog post, I will tell my favourite sport. As you can tell from the title my favourite sport is... Basketball! I like basketball because it is really fun. I have been doing basketball ever since I got to St Benedicts. I started when I was a year 5, starting by doing Mini Ball (an easier non-violence basketball-type game.) I really don't know how I wanted to start basketball but maybe I enjoyed watching the professional NBA league and professional slam dunk competitions on YouTube.
When I started I was really bad because I was a Year 5, and I didn't know how to play…  But I started working on my basketball and I really started getting better doing defense. After a while I got better gradually and gradually, slowly and slowly. I then knew how do tricks, lay ups and 3 pointers and different stuff like that. I guess I like basketball because it has a lot of action. I mean when you NBA they get 2-4 hoops in per minute, while in FIFA they get 1 goal in every 10-ish minutes. I mean I like soccer, but I don’t think it’s as rewarding as a game as basketball. Today I play with my basketball friends down in the courts.

The reason I think people should play basketball is because it really works you out… I mean you have to run back and forth again and again, unlike netball. Not only does it benefit you with your accuracy and footwork but it helps with your teamwork and co-ordination.  What I noticed about basketball is that it increases your accuracy, with other accuracy sports like dodge ball. This is why basketball is a good sport for you and why you should play basketball.
Oh and by the way girls, basketball came first before netball. Netball was a more lady-like copy of basketball. It copied the roots of basketball and adapted the rules… These are my reasons why I think basketball is the best sport. Perhaps you should give basketball a try the next time you want to play a new sport.     
'Play Basketball or else...'

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