-Harry Osborn's female assistant Felicia is actually black cat or Felicia Hardy and fictional character from the comics and is a world class buglar. Perhaps Black cat will help Spiderman with the Sinister Six in the next movie.
Alistair Smythe/Spider Slayer. |
-In the Harry Osborn's files there were files labelled about different villians such as Dr Octopus, Venom and Morbius.
-Spiderman's ring tone is actually the main theme song of the orignal animated spiderman tv series.
-During the climatic fight with Electro and spiderman; Electro creates music by shooting his electrical beams shooting Spiderman at the poles in the power facility. If you listen carefully to the song or nursery rhyme it is Itsy Bitsy Spider. Spiderman says, "he hates this song."
-The masked man in the hat in the Amazing Spiderman 2; who walks into the room with the vulture's wings and Dr octopus's tentacles is a man called Gustav Fiers or also called as the criminal The Gentleman. He is the man who is a little like a Nick Fury to the bad guys and helped assemble the Sinister six. You may have reconized him from the first The Amazing Spiderman where he appeared at the end and ask Dr Curt Connors if he told Peter Parker anything about his father and when the lightning struck he disappeared from Curt's cell. In a comic book of the sinister six Gustav Fiers was a business man who gathered the Sinister Six in order to have revenge on Spider-Man, as his parents Richard and Mary Parker had thwarted one of his plans years back.
Thanks for reading this post and if you noticed any references or easter eggs please tell me in the comment below. Please comment if you like this. I hope enjoy this blog post. Goodbye guys. Till my next post bye.
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