31 August 2014


Hello blog readers today I am writing my pre-production post. First of we are not ready and its getting closer...

I mean half of the acts aren't fully perfected and we haven't really practiced with costumes, and some don't have costumes finished. My role in the production is props, one of the most hardest. I mean we have to take props in and out in each scene. Josh is the prop captain, and he will be wearing a headset on the night to tell the sounds guy and other guys when to pull the curtain open.  

What production should be like...
The dance I will be dancing in is the Cantina dance. The Cantina dance is in the first scene and I think has the most dancers in one dance in it. The song for the Cantina dance is the original Star Wars soundtrack. We haven't a full dress rehearsal for Cantina because people haven't finished their costumes. I have finished my costume but I might modify it so when I dance my wings aren't in a slant.
I think if we are going to make this a good production, we are going work hard and get a move on with the dances and songs.

Dancing people.

24 August 2014

What I learnt about the New Zealand parliament and elections this week...

This term our class has been learning about the New Zealand government and how it works. Today I will be blogging about What I have learnt in this topic...
I have learnt a lot about the NZ government here is a few things I learnt this week...

-New Zealand's government is based of the Westminister system.   

-New Zealand was the first country to allow women to vote.

-New Zealand allowed Maori members to be a part in the parliament in 1868.

- The woman in the NZ 10 dollar note is Kate Sheppard.

- Kate Sheppard is famous because she fought for the right to let women vote in elections.

- The queen is actually the sovereign of the country.

-The queen in NZ gets represented by the governor general who at the moment is Jerry Mateparae.

- The sovereign is not allowed to enter the parliament whilst a the House is seated.
-Citizens can vote if they're 18 or above...

-The sovereign gets to approve laws or acts before they are made official.

- People vote by getting the voting papers and putting their choose in the voting booths.
-There are 2 votes in the voting paper there is the party vote such as Green, National, Labour, etc and then their is the electorate vote the person you want to represent the local area such Peter Dunne the person in the local area who gets the most votes wins...  

- You can have special voting papers if you are sick, overseas and etc...

Bob is sad to see you go...
Those are all the facts about the NZ government I have time for... Thanks for reading blog readers... Hope you enjoyed this post and found it educational. Bye. See you in my next post.

18 August 2014

Reading Challenges

Every term our teacher gives us some reading challenges. Some terms the reading challenges are hard and some times easy...

Some of the challenges you have to do and some you don't. This term, for Term 3, the challenges are...

-Read 10 books. (Not Optional.)
-Read 20 books. (Optional.)
-Read a book that you randomly.
-Read a book that you randomly pick off the shelf without looking. (Optional.)
-Read 3 books from a series. (Optional.)
-Read a classical book. (Optional.)
-Read a book set in space. (Optional.)
-Read a book recommended by a family member. (Optional.)

I have done a few of these such as the book set in space, and a few others. I don't think that I will finish all of these but I will try to finish these goals. I am not going so well with my reading and can't read fast enough. I have read four books and I need to read another one by the end of this week, because you have to read a book every week. I still don't get how people read 30 books in four weeks. I guess that they have nothing else to do in their life.

Thanks for reading my blog post. Remember to comment below. Goodbye blog readers.

10 August 2014


This week for my blog post, I will tell my favourite sport. As you can tell from the title my favourite sport is... Basketball! I like basketball because it is really fun. I have been doing basketball ever since I got to St Benedicts. I started when I was a year 5, starting by doing Mini Ball (an easier non-violence basketball-type game.) I really don't know how I wanted to start basketball but maybe I enjoyed watching the professional NBA league and professional slam dunk competitions on YouTube.
When I started I was really bad because I was a Year 5, and I didn't know how to play…  But I started working on my basketball and I really started getting better doing defense. After a while I got better gradually and gradually, slowly and slowly. I then knew how do tricks, lay ups and 3 pointers and different stuff like that. I guess I like basketball because it has a lot of action. I mean when you NBA they get 2-4 hoops in per minute, while in FIFA they get 1 goal in every 10-ish minutes. I mean I like soccer, but I don’t think it’s as rewarding as a game as basketball. Today I play with my basketball friends down in the courts.

The reason I think people should play basketball is because it really works you out… I mean you have to run back and forth again and again, unlike netball. Not only does it benefit you with your accuracy and footwork but it helps with your teamwork and co-ordination.  What I noticed about basketball is that it increases your accuracy, with other accuracy sports like dodge ball. This is why basketball is a good sport for you and why you should play basketball.
Oh and by the way girls, basketball came first before netball. Netball was a more lady-like copy of basketball. It copied the roots of basketball and adapted the rules… These are my reasons why I think basketball is the best sport. Perhaps you should give basketball a try the next time you want to play a new sport.     
'Play Basketball or else...'

3 August 2014

Production Dances

Dancing People.
The production is a dancing singing family-fun for all. But this year production got more intense. This year we had make the scripts, props and more greater costumes. In my production dance I really like my part in the dance. My dance is the cantina dance the first dance in the production. Our production theme is space. The first dance is based from star wars the cantina scene. In fact the song we are dancing to is the song from the cantina scene in star wars.
As for the dance we are no where finished. I come half way in the song because I am a tall alien. The dance itself isn't to complicated but you need to get the timing right. We have to the rest half of the song. I think I have to work on a few of my dance moves. I think we can dance better if everyone listens to the dance teacher and work on our moves at home. Thanks for reading. Read my other posts and remember to leave a comment. Bye.