Well traps. They are quite fun to make. I especially like a pressure pad trap I made which is kind of cool. Once you drop down this fall you land on a pressure two sticky pistons on each side that attach to stone blocks and will crush you and you die suffocation and theirs basically no way out in survival mode unless you have a diamond pickaxe and know how to mine fast. After a mod has died in a trap I then created a way collect their items that only a player can activate. I am quite creative with traps and I have traps ranging from dying from arrows, lava, flint and steel, fire charge and suffocation and I am going to make one for dying from cactus's. I also like how animals can make funny sounds when they die and I love the Minecraft horse's death neigh when getting burned by lava it makes me happy.
If I am not playing Minecraft I usually watching TV which is pretty fun although some of the channels I watch they start at 8:30 and end at 9:30 and then I go to sleep at ten and have to wake up sometimes at 6:00 and occasionally 5:00, *moan*. If I am not doing that I am doing homework. If I am not doing that I am sleeping and finally I am probably eating and thats around it. I just broke down the daily schedule of my life for you. I hope you enjoyed this blog post and if you couldn't be bother to read the big paragraph in the middle please read it. Thanks. Goodbye and by the way comment on the question below. Till my next post...
Question: What do you like doing as a hobby. (If you have a Mojang account what is your favourite thing to do on it?)
P.S Remember to vote which is better on the side if you like one of those or click the other button and vote.
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