29 October 2014

The Difference between mass and weight.

Many people believe that the more bigger an object is the more mass it has or gravitational pull it has on objects. That's not true, though...

Let me explain...
Ok let me explain them differently. I explain Mass and Weight in two paragraphs...


Mass can be described as a quantity of matter.  What this means? This means that Mass is really the amount of matter in an object. But what causes mass?

Everything (almost) is made up of atoms. Atoms are made of 3 parts photons, neutrons and electrons. Neutrons are what really cause mass, because nearly everything is made up atoms. This is why neutron stars have large masses compared to their size, because the stars is made of almost of neutrons. Same with black holes they are made of very crushed neutrons.

 Neutrons can be crushed into tiny objects. So you could squeeze a few million neutrons into a marble. Yet the marble has barely any weight, but it has a gigantic mass. That would be pretty cool actually to be pulled towards it from such a small object with little weight...


Weight is measured mainly in kilograms. Weight can be changed. The mass of an object doesn't change if you move location. Here an example your weight changes on the moon. You feel more lighter because the gravitational pull isn't as strong as earth. Your weight changes and you loses a few kilograms. Were as if you measure an object based on its mass, the mass won't change depending if your on Earth, Mars, The Sun or anywhere really...

Hopefully this gives you a better understanding on the difference between mass and weight. Just because an object is small doesn't mean its mass is small. Hope you enjoyed this blog post. Read my other blog posts and remember to comment. Bye guys.

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