30 March 2014

What I enjoying doing at home reflection?


What do I like doing at home? Well, Minecraft. What do I like doing in Minecraft. A lot of people ask me that question.

 Well traps. They are quite fun to make. I especially like a pressure pad trap I made which is kind of cool. Once you drop down this fall you land on a pressure two sticky pistons on each side that attach to stone blocks and will crush you and you die suffocation and theirs basically no way out in survival mode unless you have a diamond pickaxe and know how to mine fast. After a mod has died in a trap I then created a way collect their items that only a player can activate. I am quite creative with traps and I have traps ranging from dying from arrows, lava, flint and steel, fire charge and suffocation and I am going to make one for dying from cactus's. I also like how animals can make funny sounds when they die and I love the Minecraft horse's death neigh when getting burned by lava it makes me happy.

If I am not playing Minecraft I usually watching TV which is pretty fun although some of the channels I watch they start at 8:30 and end at 9:30 and then I go to sleep at ten and have to wake up sometimes at 6:00 and occasionally 5:00, *moan*. If I am not doing that I am doing homework. If I am not doing that I am sleeping and finally I am probably eating and thats around it. I just broke down the daily schedule of my life for you. I hope you enjoyed this blog post and if you couldn't be bother to read the big paragraph in the middle please read it. Thanks. Goodbye and by the way comment on the question below. Till my next post...

Question: What do you like doing as a hobby. (If you have a Mojang account what is your favourite thing to do on it?)

P.S Remember to vote which is better on the side if you like one of those or click the other button and vote.

24 March 2014

How I improved in my statistic's test

Hello blog readers welcome to my blog. Today I will be telling about how I improved in my stats. I think I improved in my stat's test in the past term. Today I will tell you why.

I used to be unable to tell range and mode apart. I now know a new graph which is a box and whisker graph and know how to do pie graphs if the angles have decimal points in them. I also know how to draw graphs properly and label them and stuff. I will continue to work on my stats until I get 100% in a test. Goodbye. Till my next post.
Goodbye. See you soon.

17 March 2014

Back from camp!!!

Me and a really tight squeeze in the caves.
Me and my friends in overnight camp.

 Welcome back guys as you might know judging by the title I just got back from camp. The trip up to camp took around 6 hours with two pit stops and it was all the way up in Tongeriro and there were so much activities and chores to do. Some of the activities included abseiling, kayaking and caving. Camp was a really fun and exciting experience for me and I am going to tell you why. My favourite activity in camp was caving because there was a lot of obstacles and tight spaces that you needed to squeeze into. My proudest moment was when I touched the pole at the very end of the high ropes obstacle when I did for the first time. High ropes was around 7 meters high and the highest point is 10 meters and trust me its higher than it sounds. Another thing I liked about camp was the overnight camp because it was very survival like sort of like Bear Grylls expect without the determination to survive at all costs.    

3 March 2014


This term we will be doing swimming in the Kilbirnie pool or to be more specific Kilbirnie aquatic centre. For our first week of swimming we will be doing tests of how good we can actually swim. The instructors then judge how good we can swim then put us into groups. There are four groups starting from learn to swim for the noobs, then water safety for ok swimmers, then snorkelling for confident swimmers, then diving for the great swimmers and then finally kayaking for the pro swimmers in the deep 5 metre pool. I got put into snorkelling I am quite shocked for the first week but I got used to it. Snorkelling fun aside from the fact that the snorkels themselves are quite bad and so used and I always seem to get a broken one. We also get flippers which are cool and make you fast but as soon as you get out of them you feel weird like a body part is missing.         

People in my group doing snorkelling.