Hi blog readers here is my futuristic technologies that actually exist. I did this mainly fun and to show everyone how much technology has advanced in the last few years. By the way this isn't my speech. This is just in random order so yeah...
By the way this is my longest blog post (so far...) remember to comment which one of these technologies is your favorite below...
Light Sabres.
Movie: Star Wars.
Status: Prototype.
Michio Kaku is brilliant scientist and futurist. He is known for his build of a working proto-type light-sabre. His light-sabre is the same size as a regular light-sabre with all energy source in its handle. The design uses a super heated plasma blade and the heat resistant handle and blade. It can cut through steel and can be wielded like a normal sword. Light-sabres could be used for military use in the near future. Here is his video
of building a working light-sabre:
Can you build a real Lightsaber ?
Warp Drive.
Movie: Star Trek.
Status: Being studied.
Warp Drive is the idea of going faster than light (FTL). In the movie Star Trek, the spaceships use antimatter engines to go faster than light. Theoretically this incorrect in science because then Einstein's theory of relativity would be incorrect. Yet there could be a way by a decent puncture in space-time to go faster. Although there are things that are suppose to be faster than light, spaceships would need to find a way to stop the spaceship, to an almost complete stop.
Heat wave Weapon.
Movie: War of the Worlds.
Status: Made. (Now classified.)

Based of War of the Worlds book and movie. The martians were using an heat ray weapon to cause chaos and destruction on earth. The same type of technology was used by the US army. It makes victims feel like their skin is burning when their not really on fire. The US army fires a high powered beam of electromagnetic waves at 95GHz. This then heats up the water and fat molecules in the skin. If used for a long time victims can pass out and die. The weapon was tested in Afghanistan in 2010, but was later not used due to the concerns of using it as a torture device.
Nano Technology.
Movie: The Day the Earth Stood Still.

Status: Made.
Nano Technology is now commonly known. Ranging from uses from weapons to healthcare. Nanotechnology is technology that is less than 100 nano-meters. Nano technology is used in many
sci-fi movies such as The Day the Earth Stood Still and many others. Many Sci-fi movies show nano-technology like insects. Nano-technology can be used for carrying out delicate medical procedures or infecting targets with an deadly virus. The possibilities of nano-technology is endless.
Movie: Iron Man Trilogy.
Status: Made for the public.
3D printing is used for many movies, such as Iron Man's armour is 3D printing. 3D printers are so versatile because special 3D printers can print out more 3D printers. 3D printers can also printing out 3D body parts to use for amputees using skin cells. So very cool and useful.
Invisible cloak.
Movie: Harry Potter.
Status: Made for the public.

The Invisible Cloak was a famous gift for Harry in the Harry Potter franchise. Just like in the movie there is a real invisibility cloak in real life. The invisibility cloak uses the same natural phenomena that causes desert mirages. This is done by bending the light away from the wearer, making the wearer almost invisible.
Adamantium, strong metal.
Movie: Wolverine.
Status: Made.
Modumetal is a very special metal. It is not a new metal, it is from combining metals. It is lighter and harder than steel and is practically indestructible. It is possibly the closest to Adamantium we will get too. The metal plans to be coated on cars, planes, vehicles, buildings, armour and many other things in the future.
Force Fields.
Movie: Fantastic Four.
Status: Prototype.
A force field is a shield that protects a person, area or object from attacks from various forces. Force fields have appeared in many space films. In the fantastic four, Sue has the power of creating force fields. Their are also different force fields. NASA has developed force fields for their spacecraft to protect from solar radiation. In order to protect an object from a fired projectile an shield would have to be put up of lasers, Michio Kaku has again made a design for a popular sci-fi technology...
Creating a Force Field.
Metal Exo-Skeleton
Movie: Elysium.
Status: Made for army.
Metal Exo-Skeltons similar to the movie Elysium are being made by the US army. They will be used by US troops in war. The Exo-Skeleton Suits improved a man's strength, endurance and much more. They are made to be sturdy, hard and many have a flaw in being to slow and heavy. The USA tries to improve this flaw in many of their designs.
Self Driving Cars.
Movie: Total Recall (1990).
Status: Made.
Google is producing driver-less cars. These cars have a self driving feature and no steering wheel. They operate on a computer and the drive-less feature has 360 degrees of view of the road. The cars have been tested on the roads. They have been tested on cars, trucks and military vehicles. There has been no car crash with the Google drive-less car on the road. These cars can reduced road deaths by half. Google will soon release these cars to be sold worldwide.
Movie: I, Robot.
Status: Made.
Robots have been a big part of sci-fi. Many sci-fi feature robots taking over the world and creating artificial intelligence. Robots have been known to take the shape off a human or animal. Robots such as ASIMO (Advanced Step in Innovative Mobility), are making the future seem more of an reality. Many robots have a fatal flaw, the ability to climb up stairs. It may seem easy for us, but for robots its hard. Robots nowadays are guided by an computer or electronic circuitry. Robots are also being developed by the military. Wildcat for instant is a military robot dog that can run up to 16 mph.
Virtual Reality Headsets.
Status: Made for public.
Movie: Matrix.
The movie Matrix it was a giant computer simulation controlled by controlled by sentient life. Just like the movie Matrix, Virtual Reality Headsets are an illusion. A popular Virtual Reality Headset is the Oculus Rift. Its main rival is Project Morpheus which is supposed to be functional with the PS-4. The Oculus Rift has 360 degrees of view. The Oculus Rift has apps as simulators, action and horror. By the way the guy who owns Oculus Rift is Pamler Luckey and is only 22 years old!
Universal Translator.
Status: Made for public use.
Movie: Doctor Who.
In the series Doctor Who has a time traveling machine called the Tardis. As well as time travelling the Tardis can also translate most languages into a language understood by the pilot and its crew.
No need for learning languages, anymore. The universal translator is a device that you can hook onto the collar of your shirt. It is portable, small and you can take it anywhere. You then press the button on the device. Then say a sentence in a language and it will repeat the sentence you said in a different selected language. Some of their universal translators can correct errors and say what you meant to say. The revolutionary device is called SIGMO, and is currently the monopoly of this type of technology. It can translate more than 25 languages.
Movie: Minority Report.
Status: Made.
Holograms are everywhere, literally. When you have a driving's licence your picture is a hologram. Confused? When you move it back and forth it creates smears of colour. Holograms are also in DVDs, CDs, ID cards and credits cards. These are the worst type of holograms. Large scale holograms using lasers with a darkened room, are better. When you look at a hologram in different perspectives you can see different images. Holograms are really just projected light to make an image. Controlling a hologram through hand gestures would be very hard, but possible.
Hover/flying Cars.
Movie: Back to the future 2.
Status: Prototypes.
Hover Cars have been used in almost every sci-fi movie. From Lola (Marvel Agents of SHIELD) to back to the future 2. There have been underwater cars, so why not hoovering cars. Many designs have followed a similar pattern to make their hover-cars as aerodynamic as possible. Many designs look like plane like cars and have wings.
Things that didn't make the list.
-Teleportation device. (Made.)
-Memory Wiping Machines. (Made.)
-Mind Reading Machines. (Being made.)
-Moon/Mars Bases. (Prototypes.)
-Space Hotels. (Prototypes.)
-Atmospheric Water Generator. (Made.)
-Underwater cars. (Made.)
Bye guys thanks for reading my blog post. Make sure to comment which one was the coolest and which was the most useful.
Personally I think that the lightsabre is the most coolest but SIGMO is the most useful. See you in my next blog post. Goodbye.