Some would describe space as big, empty and vacuum-like. Others describe the darkness between planets, stars, galaxies as nothing. But that is where they're wrong.
In fact there is no such thing as nothing so I don't see why you would make the word nothing... So just putting it out there, ok...
Dark Energy
The darkness you are seeing would probably be dark energy. Its energy cannot be harnessed yet, scientists know its there because its the thing that keeps the universe expanding. Without it the universe would collapse in a matter of seconds even before scientists knew it was it was happening. Oh yes seconds not years.

Before dark energy was discovered 1998 scientists believed that most of the universe was made out of stars. Now they are wrong. In fact dark energy is abundant in almost everywhere in the known universe. It covers about 75% of the known universe, and is most found thing in the universe. Not much is known about dark energy and scientists have many theories about it. It is literally whats make the universe bigger and bigger...
The universe is expanding moving faster than the speed of light... In fact some of the galaxies are expanding away from us at the speed of light.
Imagine if we could harness dark energy then we could do stuff like a Warp Drive in Star Trek. Many people still don't believe that something is faster than light because it hasn't been fully proven. Although if super-luminosity is proven by scientists to be faster than light Einstein would be wrong with some of his equations.
Dark Matter.

Dark matter is a weird type of matter. It cannot absorb nor emits light. Dark matter cannot be seen ,but results in invisible unexplained mass in the universe. Dark matter was found in 1932. Dark matter is neither normal matter or anti-matter and confuses scientists. It makes up about 21% of the known universe. Its the reason their are even galaxies, and what keeps the Earth, stars and planets from drifting off into dark space...
Black Holes.
Black Holes are mysterious dense black spheres that sucks in everything it comes in contact with. The black hole in the center of our galaxy is 26 thousand light years away. Black Holes are extremely dense, the black hole in the center of our galaxy is 10 times larger than our sun but has a mass millions of times the mass of the sun. One of the biggest black holes found in the observable universe was 1000 times larger than the black hole at the center of our galaxy. The largest ever found black hole had a mass of 21 billion solar masses.

Black Holes are formed when an huge supernova runs out of fuel and it starts to decrease all it energy and mass into its core. The energy, gravity starts to compress into the tiny shriveling core. Imagine crushing a sun's mass into a small marble. This creates neutrons if the neutron doesn't overheat it will turn into a small neutron star.This creates neutrons, if a neutron starts to overheat they will be crush to a black sphere with an over load of gravity and mass.
A black hole is black because light cannot escape it, the reason it is empty is because the star that made the black hole is gone. Technical black holes are a tear in space time physics. If an object comes in contact with a black holes gravity it will get sucked in and shredded by its gravity or spaghettified.
So what happens when 2 black holes collide? Oh they spin around each others orbit and throw of large quantities of gravity. Imagine 2 tornadoes circling one another, they starts to throw of wind in all directions, same with gravity. Finally the bigger black hole wins and they emerge into a bigger more dangerous black hole.