16 April 2014

Random post.

Today I am publishing this random post. Since this is random you don't have to read it but read it if you like reading. I am sort of bored but I will continue writing. I think that pi is complicated. I don't know what to write. Are you bored, yet. No, ok pie is cool and yummy. How come some people in our class haven't tried pie before? I don't know. It almost the holidays. We are going to celebrate Ben K's leaving party. I might miss Ben K but probably no but thanks for the toy koala with the Australian flag and the Easter egg. Ben K's Australian by the way if you didn't notice. I want him to show his lol cat movie to the class soon. He says no. I say yes. I want to go home and celebrate the holidays, but I got road patrol and I have to wait 15 minutes before I can go home. I am so awesome. I want to have the shared lunch because there is food right next to me and I can smell it. I just had food but I am still hungry. I hope you actually read this and bye. It will be different without Ben K. Bye.   

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