11 August 2013

Mt Cook Tech Class

It has been a long time since I used the blog. I guess I forgot about it. But to get straight to the point I have to reflect about my tech. We have been doing it till the start of the year. Tech is a fun activity that the seniors do every Monday. We learn how to do a number of skills like cooking, woodworks and sewing, that's not all the things I did that's what I did so far. Well really did enjoy sowing and making the beanies, pillows, pencil case and a headband I made myself. That was the coolest thing I did so far and I would like to do it some time in the future. But I really aren't giving the readers of a good example of what its like. The tech cooking teacher is strict and doing the dishes is really hard work. Anything, anything that looks like a stain is a stain. The woodworks teacher is strict about safety and won't let us use the 5 'dangerous tools'. Mostly the bench saw and it sends wood flying everywhere. Pretty skilled.  Oh, well it's time to do maths. My least favourite subject.

1 comment:

  1. Nice post James. Teaches strict?!? Oh my god. I'm a lil freaked out right now. My next class is cooking, and what you said, the teacher is strict! :O
