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6 June 2013
painting a masterpiece.
Do you really believe everything I write if so read this if not still read it okay. My paint brush brushed the paper. I was sweating like crazy. We were painting a painting from Rene Magritte the treasury of images. ARRRGHH! Black paint sploshed on to my painting. I was mad.Seriously.
How I am supposed to paint a fricking pipe without drawing the pipe first? Don't artists draw then paint. Whatever I am not really good at painting anyway. Our teacher said we needed to blend our paints together to make a very light brown. That was the easy bit. Then came the painting of the pipe. I put the slightest amount of paint on it and you know what I was pretty good. Okay I admit I am not as good as Picasso or Rene Magritte the man who painted the painting but I was okay at it that was until the black paint sploshed over it. You could call myself clumsy or whatever you want to call it but it wasn't my fault it was um.. gravity's fault not mine. Okay that could have been the worst excuse in all time history but if there wasn't any gravity then it would have floated up in the air. But anyway back to story so I...um just stood for a minute and did nothing I guess just observing what a mess my painting was in and then I used my gut intense and I tried (I guess you could put it that way) to fix it. Oh and guess what...I failed. No matter how much white or brown I put in the black wouldn't go away. A few minutes later looking at my teacher with a face of disgrace that ''oh my" but came out to be "what have you done!" To make things short... she fixed it. Then I wrote (I mean paint) the word Ceci n'est pas une pipe which means this is not a pipe. Yeah thats it. Thanks for reading. Bye.
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